Animal Career Profiles


From Archaeozoologist to Zookeeper!

Do a free search on our database of hundreds of animal career profiles, or JOIN us in the most extraordinary online community to make friends, learn about the animals and discover the ways to prepare for your career!

What is One Zoo Tree?

OZT creates a safe Environment where students aged 14 and older can find all the relevant information regarding their dream career of working with animals. It helps them to make the right decisions and follow a practical path in preparing for the career, while also networking through mentorship and peer-to-peer interaction.

Sharing is Caring!


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Career Profiles
Free Resources
Short Courses

Who BENEFITS from this Platform?

Student Badge


Individuals aged 14 and older, either still in the last years of high school or currently studying in some form of tertiary institution, can use the platform as a visitor or join as a member

Educator Membership Badge


Subject experts who want to assist the Community in educating and guiding students on specific careers, species or skills

School Badge


Schools (or career councillors representing larger school districts) that want to use the Community to assist their students in making informed career choices as well as to form lasting and beneficial partnerships with other likeminded schools across the world

Institution Badge


Colleges, Universities and online education providers who want to communicate directly with potential students

Organization Badge


Those who can offer valuable volunteering and other forms of experience to students, as well as use the Community as a promotional platform

Meet People with similar

Make friends with people from around the world!

Our First Multi-Lesson Package!

Volunteering is an extremely important way for those who want to work with animals to gain valuable and required experience. Take a look at our first multi-lesson animal volunteering package, which presents 2 Courses over more than 20 informative lessons!

Intro to Volunteering Course
Animal Volunteering Course

Where do you Start?

We can help you decide on the right animal-related career. If you have an idea of which career you want to pursue, you can start by searching through 12 categories containing over 500 career profiles. Or if you aren’t sure of what to do next, take a look at our “What Next Courses” to help you get an idea of what you can do after high school.




Search through the Career Directory to find the career profiles that you find interesting. Each profile has valuable bits of information to help you decide whether it is indeed the right career for you. If not, there are also different ways to look at alternatives that expand on your choices.

Animal Waste Handler Banner

A Pet Crematory Operator is someone who works at a facility that provides cremation services for deceased pets and other...

Livestock Loader Banner

A Shearer uses special equipment to shear woolly animals (alpacas, goats, sheep) so that the wool can be used commercially.


If you do decide on a specific career to follow, you may use the free resources on OZT to plan your own career preparation path (CPP). The resources include:

  • Each career profile has an example of a career preparation path and a study guide!
  • A list of courses from tertiary institutions
  • An animal-related events calendar
  • A list of available bursaries to help with future studies
  • A Job Board with opportunities to find anything from internships to full-time employment directly out of school


Learn about your dream Career and the Species you work with by completing the FREE Short Courses. This will help you to:

  • Expand on your knowledge
  • Help you bridge the gap between school and tertiary studies, or
  • Help you start your own business
Cattle Facts and Taxonomy Course

This Course deals with the Taxonomy and basic facts about the Cattle.

Babbler Short Course

This Course deals with the taxonomy and basic facts about the Babbler.


OZT has even more in store for you by offering you a unique social network where you can meet other students from around the world. Here are some of the extraordinary benefits:

  • Create and manage your own profile with built-in security features
  • Join groups related to your career and the species you will be working with to learn EVEN MORE
  • Make friends with students from around the world to help build your future network
  • Connect with the specific tertiary institutions you want to study through
  • Connect with the animal organisations already in the field to learn how they do what they do
  • Get weekly updates directly to your mailbox so that you never loose out on what is happening in your groups
Primates Art Icon

Benefits to Educators, Mentors, Schools and Animal Organizations

Join as an educational provider within the animal-related career market and benefit from the social network and free tools provided!

Institution Badge


The schools are represented in this Community by individuals (teachers or career counsellors) who want to interact with their own students on a stable and functional platform.

Educator Membership Badge

Educators / Mentors

Educators are subject experts who want to join the Community as individuals and contribute information on the career and animals they work with. Share your knowledge and motivate the younger generation to go out and enjoy the career journey!

Organization Badge


Animal organizations are the places that work with animals, where students may volunteer, work part time or communicate with online to help them gain experience.

Would YOU like to contribute?

The OZT Animal Career Platform is a FREE resource to assist children in making informed career decisions. Most of the information is crowd-sourced through career and species experts to ensure that it remains factual and relevant. Please assist us to help the community grow!

Snail Breeding Career

Search for your Dream Career!

Do a free search of our career database, or JOIN us in the most extraordinary community to make friends, learn about the animals and discover the wonderful world that awaits you!

Elephant 1
Arachnid 1
Ostrich 1
Dog Art 2
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