Membership Choice

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Kinds of Members

Most of the content within the community is restricted to members only. To access the FREE Community and all of it’s benefits, please register as one of the 5 specific kinds of members.

The list includes:

  • STUDENTS – Individuals aged 14 and older, either still in the last years of High School, or currently studying in some form of Tertiary Institution.
  • SCHOOLS – Schools who want to use the community to assist their students in making informed career choices as well as form lasting and beneficial partnerships with other likeminded schools across the world.
  • TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS – Colleges, Universities and online educational providers who want to communicate directly with potential students
  • ANIMAL ORGANIZATIONS – who can offer valuable volunteering as experience to students as well as want to use the Community as a marketing platform
  • EDUCATORS – Subject experts who want to assist the Community in educating students on specific careers, species or skills

Choose which type of membership you need

Student Badge
School Badge
Institution Badge
Organization Badge
Educator Membership Badge

* Membership for all types or categories of members remains entirely FREE. We manage your membership through a subscription option, which allows us to keep proper records.

Even when subscriptions are not renewed, media added to the Groups and forums will still remain to ensure students get the most out of the platform.

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