What does this page offer?
- Read about the basic facts on mollusks
- Access some of the free short courses on mollusks
- Join OZT as a member to learn even more about how to work with mollusks while meeting people from around the world!
You have chosen a career to follow and prepare for; now it’s time to learn more about the species you will work with.
- Read about the basic facts on mollusks
- Join the Mollusks Group to learn how to work with them and meet people from around the world
- Access all of the free short courses on mollusks
- Connect with tertiary institutions and organisations that work with mollusks
Basic Facts on Mollusks
Mollusks have a soft unsegmented body and live in Aquatic or damp habitats, and most kinds have an external calcareous shell.
Scientific name:
Common use names:
The Mollusks include: Snails, Slugs, Limpets, Clams, Oysters, Mussels, Octopuses, Nautiluses, Squids, Tusk Shells, and Chitons.
There is no gender specific names, as they are either male of female, and young mollusks are called larvae.
The word “mollusk” in other languages:
- Dutch: weekdier
- French: mollusque
- Spanish: molusco
- Turkish: yumuşakça
Awesome fact:
Mollusks have a ribbon-like tongue called the radula, which is covered in tiny teeth.
Important Dates:
500 million years ago: Fossil evidence dates the origin of mollusks back to the Middle Cambrian.
Mollusk Stats
Average Length
up to 10 meters (33 feet) The smallest snail is from Vietnam and has a shell just 0.48 millimetres high!
Average Weight
up to 500 kg (1,100 lb). The colossal squid, which lives in the southern oceans, is the heaviest of the mollusks
Average Lifespan
A few years average between all the species, but the oldest mollusk is a bivalve, the ocean quahog (Arctica islandica), native to the northern Atlantic and known to live at least 500 years
Average Offspring
up to a few 100 thousand eggs
Swimming Speed
40 km/h (25 mph)
Active Time
Day and Night
Main Diet
Distribution & Habitat
Most countries and seas - freshwater rivers, lakes, caves, oceans
Estimated Global Population
Not determined het
Conservation Status
Least Concerned to Near Extinct
The scientific classification of mollusks
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: 8
Order: 97
Genus: 13,000
Species: 85,000
Free Short Courses on Mollusks
Glossary of Mollusks Terms
This course deals with the basic terms or words used when working with Myriapods.
The Top 3 Skills required to work with Mollusks
Working with mollusks, which are a diverse group of animals including snails, clams, and squid, can require a range of skills depending on the specific field and job. However, here are some general skills that can be useful when working with mollusks:
- Knowledge of mollusk biology: A basic understanding of mollusk anatomy, physiology, and life cycles is important to effectively work with these animals.
- Data collection and analysis: Many jobs involving mollusks require collecting and analyzing data, such as measuring the size and weight of individuals, tracking population trends, or assessing the impact of environmental changes on the animals.
- Fieldwork skills: In many cases, working with mollusks involves fieldwork, such as collecting samples, surveying populations, or monitoring behavior in their natural habitats. Skills such as boat handling, SCUBA diving, and GPS navigation may be necessary.
The Top 3 Tools used when working with Mollusks
The tools used when working with mollusks can vary depending on the specific job and field, but here are some common tools that are often used:
- Nets and traps: Nets and traps are used to catch mollusks for study or collection. Different types of nets and traps are used depending on the size and behavior of the target species.
- GPS and mapping tools: GPS and mapping tools are used to locate and record the location of mollusk populations and habitats, which can be important for conservation and management.
- Scuba diving and snorkelling equipment: Scuba diving and snorkelling equipment is often used in fieldwork to study mollusks in their natural habitats, especially in marine environments.
Join the Mollusks Group
Learn even more about the species by joining the MOLLUSKS GROUP
Members of the Group can access all the different Short Courses, win awards and meet other mollusks lovers from around the world. Gain experience points with each short course and compete for the top spot on the leader board!
Topics covered in the MOLLUSKS GROUP:
- General mollusk knowledge (Anatomy, Habitat, Behaviour, Diet)
- Ecological Benefits & Conservation
- Creative (Including education, art, design, publishing, media, news and photography)
- ​Species (courses on over 100 different species)
Interact with all of the relevant tertiary institutions that feature courses related to mollusks, as well as animal organisations that work with the species.
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Career profiles and resources
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List of Species Educators who have contributed to the info:
One Zoo Tree
A few excellent pictures as examples of the species:
Links to some of the best websites: