Ferret Breeder Career Profile

Do you want to work as a ferret breeder?

READ: This page helps you to read about the career and the info you need to decide on whether this is indeed the career you want to follow.

RESEARCH: ​Learn about the skills required and minimum subjects to enter this career, as well as the places where you can study further after school.

PREPARE: If you want to plan and prepare for your career, then join the OZT Community! Members have access to tools while chatting with other students and experts from around the world. Prepare to be amazed!


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18 June 2023


What is a ferret breeder?

A person who mates carefully selected breeds of domesticated ferrets to reproduce offspring with the same qualities and characteristics.

Ferret Breeders generally supply to the pet trade.

Ferret 1

Career Category

The Ferret Breeder career can be found within the following OZT career categories:

  • Business

What does a Ferret Breeder do?

Groups of animals a Ferret Breeder works with

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What is the level of Interaction with the Animals?

With who does a Ferret Breeder work?

Besides working with all of the animals, a Ferret Breeders will need to interact with other people while doing their daily tasks. The people might include fellow staff members (if they are employed by a training company) or the public.

Fellow staff might include:

  • Supervisors/Managers
  • Operational staff, such as Human Resources, Finance and Maintenance

What does a Ferret Breeder focus on?

The main focus of a ferret breeder is to mate selected males and females as their own pets and to supply the pet market.

What are the daily tasks of a Ferret Breeder?

  • Feeding and caring for the ferrets
  • clean the cages
  • talk with suppliers
  • ensure registration is in place
  • ​discuss budget with bookkeeper
  • manage marketing campaign
  • talk with prospective buyers
  • arrange, prepare for and transport ferrets to shows

Work Environment of a Ferret Breeder?

Where does a Ferret Breeder work?

Environment –

The physical enclosure for the ferrets might be inside the home (when starting the businesses), or a separate building just for the cages.

Places of Employment –

Ferret breeders usually register and set up their businesses at home. Ferret breeders are self employed and run a profit seeking business. 

What is the average annual salary of a Ferret Breeder?

The average income of ferret breeders will be determined by a few factors, such as the scarcity of the species, the country wherein the business is registered. The average income in the US is around $40,000 per year.

Can a Ferret Breeder be promoted?

Advancement in the field typically depends on work experience and whether the breeder is elf employed or working for a breeding bussinesss. First-year assistant breeders often fit their training commitments around the daily work demands.

The levels of each promotion might differ from organization to organization, but generally are the following:

Intern -> Junior Breeder -> Senior Breeder -> Manager

What kind of difficulties can a Ferret Breeder face?

Entry breeders do not make a huge amount of money as most of the costs need to be covered. Running a business means dealing with bills that need to be payed. Breeding can be emotional as there could be deaths of new kits.

​Future Growth and Possibilities

The pet industry is one of the fastest growing animal career industries, and there will always be space for good growth.

Availability of Jobs


Which Skills are required by a Ferret Breeder?

The skills required for a career as a ferret breeder can be divided into two very important groups. The first is the group containing life skills, which are the core skills that are necessary or desirable for full participation in everyday life. The second group is career skills, or the specific skills required to allow a person to enter and operate effectively within a specific career. Some or maybe even all of the life skills can assist in strengthening the career skills, and they might even be the same for specific careers.

Life Skills

  • Self-awareness
  • Empathy
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative thinking
  • Decision making
  • Problem Solving
  • Effective communication
  • Interpersonal relationship
Life Skills

Career Skills

  • Basic animal handling and care techniques
  • Basic business knowledge
  • Basic customer service skills
  • Good health and physical fitness
  • Basic computer literacy
Career Skills

Which Subjects must I have at School to help prepare for this career?

These subjects are the ones recognized around the world. The subjects you choose at school are important as they lay the foundation for further studies at college or university. While still at school, it’s also important to learn more about the animals you will work with, as well as gain some experience.

OZT has a list of various tertiary institutions where you can study further, after school. Each of these institutions also have their own Group page on OZT where you will find the exact subjects they require of you to have passed in school. Keep these requirements in mind, and discuss it with your school, guidance counselor and parents to ensure that you are prepared!

What will I need to Study to become a Ferret Breeder?

Minimum Requirements

There is no minimum requirements to become a ferret breeder, although a High School Certificate or Diploma would be beneficial to prepare you to deal with setting up a business, dealing with costs and basic marketing techniques.

Study Focus

It is important that you learn as much as you possibly can about your ferret before you think about opening your breeding business. Short Courses in ferret behaviour, health, business setup and marketing are recommended.

Study Duration

The duration of Short Courses can be between a few hours (online) to a few months.

Possible Career Preparation Paths

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If this is your dream career that you want to pursue, then it’s important to plan the way forward.

Why is planning important?

To ensure that you understand the requirements for your career, and that you are always prepared for the next step on the road towards your dream. A Preparation Path is like your road map to where you want to be.

Possible Path:

Possible Combined Career Paths

It is possible to sometimes combine two or more related careers. This normally happens when you study and practice a specific main career, but the knowledge and experience gained also help you to have a paying hobby or secondary income career.

Possible Alternative(s):

  • High School + experience while still in school + Short Course in Business Management + Short Courses in ferret breeding

Pet Store Managers earn up to 15% more than ferret breeders, but they can also use their knowledge to Breed ferrets for trade.

Some of the possible combinations:

Stepping Stone Career

Ferret breeder can also be used as a stepping stone career. A stepping stone career is one which is used to help you get to another career, normally because the other career is too difficult to reach immediately (high fees etc). You can begin as a ferret breeder, after basic short courses and expert guidance (maybe working under a mentor). The money made can then be used to pay for studies towards another career, and the experience helps in gaining knowledge. One paying to help get to the other.

Some of the possible paths:

Training and apprenticeship

Even though it is important to study to get into some of the animal caregiver careers, most of the skills you will need will be acquired through on-the-job training. This means that you will learn how to perform some of the daily tasks by actually doing it a few times and learning the steps.

In some cases entry level positions (or junior positions) require training sessions even before you are allowed to actually perform your job duties. These sessions are offered by the place of employment, after you have successfully applied.

Mentorship is also possible where you need to learn skills from a more senior person or expert. The more hands on careers, such as animal breeders might require mentors.

Join the Ferret Breeders Group in the OZT Community to learn more and even interact with the educational institutions that will help you secure your dream career!

Average level of education of those entering the career

High School Certificate 0%
Diploma or Short Courses 0%
Degree or Higher Studies 0%

Licenses, Certificate, Registration and Professional Associations

Certain animal care careers require some form of legal certification to prove that you can indeed do the work, and work with the necessary equipment.

Although not required by law, certifications may help workers establish their credentials and enhance their skills.

Learn more about requirements by joining in the OZt Community!

Professional Associations

  • None added yet

Where can I study further?

All of the above information will help you understand more about the Career, including the fact that there are different paths to take to reach it. But if you are almost done with High School (Grades 11 or 12), you also need to start thinking about further studies, and WHERE you will study.

See the List of Universities, Colleges and Online Training Academies who offer courses towards animal care and training.

Do you want to Contribute?

Do you have information that you would like to contribute to this career?

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Members of the Platform have special access to:

  • Info on the best places where you can study (colleges, universities and online)
  • Expertly designed advice to prepare you for the career, and links to places where you can gain valuable experience. For some career experience is necessary, otherwise you wont get the job!
  • Top notch info on each of the different species you will work with
  • Make friends around the world and share knowledge
  • Compete and win points, badges, games, prizes and certificates. Be the best of the best, while you learn and prepare!

If you have decided on being a Ferret Breeder, please click on the JOIN GROUP button. Members will be directed to the Group, while non-members will be assisted to register first.

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One Zoo Tree

A few pictures about the Career:

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