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Careers in Business and Animal Health
A list of the careers categorized as those where people start their own businesses while practicing as animal health professionals.
List of Careers to choose from
Click on the name of the career for a short description of the career. When you want to learn more, click on the CAREER PAGE link to access the full Profile.
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Farm Animals, Critters, Mammals, Birds
Animal-assisted Therapists are trained professionals (normally with some medical background) who use animals as a part of the treatment of humans with physical or mental conditions.
Dogs are most frequently used in animal-assisted therapy, but other types of animals such as cats, rabbits, horses, dolphins, and even wolves can be used.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Farm Animals, Critters, Mammals
An Animal Acupuncturist is a qualified Veterinarian that uses additional knowledge and skills to insert specially designed needles into points on an animal’s body to produce a healing response.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate and Short Courses
Animal Species: All species
An Animal Behaviourist studies the way animals behave and tries to determine what causes certain types of behaviour and what factors can prompt behaviour change.
They usually specialize in specific kinds of species, whether it’s fish, birds, large animals, insects, livestock or household pets.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals, Mammals
An Animal Chiropractor performs adjustments to the joints and vertebrae of animals to alleviate pain, restore balance, and improve overall performance.
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Farm Animals, Critters, Mammals, Birds
An animal husbandry specialist is a person who uses scientific techniques to get the best traits out of mostly domesticated animals.
Their tasks may overlap with other professions or careers, from breeder, farmer, to geneticists and artificial insemination experts.
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Farm Animals, Critters, Mammals
An artificial insemination technician uses specific tools to insert semen into female animals to assist with impregnation.
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Farm Animals, Critters, Mammals
An animal massage therapist uses massage techniques to relax the muscles, stimulate circulation and assist in strengthening limbs of animals.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Farm Animals, Critters, Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians, Crustaceans, Mollusks
An animal nutritionist analyses the nutritional content and value of food and supplements, and devises nutritious, economical feeding programs for all kinds of animals.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Farm Animals, Critters, Mammals
Animal physical therapists are usually licensed physical therapists who choose to treat animals. However, physical therapist assistants, veterinarians and veterinary technicians are also allowed to practice physical therapy on animals. Education requirements vary from diplomas to doctoral degrees, depending on the career title.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Farm Animals, Critters, Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians,
Animal Physiologists are biological scientists who study the various body parts of animals under normal and abnormal conditions. They may specialize in the study of cells, tissues or one of the organs or systems, such as the digestive, nervous or circulatory system.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Mammals, Fish, Crustaceans, Mollusks, Reptiles
An Aquatic Veterinarian is a doctor who protects the health of humans and animals by treating a wide variety of water based species, such as fish, marine mammals, sea turtles
Also known as:
- Marine Veterinarian
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals, Wild Animals
A biomedical engineer combines knowledge from engineering, biology, and veterinary science to develop solutions to improve the overall health of animals.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate and Short Courses
Animal Species: Dogs
Canine Hydrotherapists make use of water and special physical therapy techniques to help dogs recover from different kinds of ligament injuries.
Also knows as:
- Aquatic Therapist
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Farm Animals
An Equine Dental Technician is qualified in the basic dental and oral health of horses and is allowed to do routine checks and basic dental procedures
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Farm Animals, Critters, Mammals, Birds
A medical device sales representative is responsible for selling a company’s manufactured medical devices to potential customers.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Reptiles, Arachnids, Mollusks
A venom milker is a specialist who is able to extract venom from snakes and spiders for the purpose of creating anti-venom or for medical research.
Also known as:
- Snake Milker
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Farm Animals, Critters, Mammals, Birds
A Veterinarian is a doctor who protects the health and well-being of both animals and people by treating animals for various ailments and diseases.
Also known as:
- Veterinary Scientist
- Animal Doctor
- Animal Health Practitioner
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Farm Animals, Critters, Mammals, Birds
A veterinary medicine sales representative is responsible for selling a pharmaceutical company’s products to potential customers.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Critters, Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians, Crustaceans, Mollusks
A Veterinarian is a doctor who protects the health and well-being of both animals and people by treating animals for various ailments and diseases. A wildlife veterinarian studies even further to be able to work exclusively with wild animals.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Critters, Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians, Crustaceans, Mollusks
A Veterinarian is a doctor who protects the health and well-being of both animals and people by treating animals for various ailments and diseases. A zoo veterinarian studies even further to be able to work exclusively with captive wild animals within a zoo or aquarium.