Careers in science and animal medicine
A list of the careers categorized as those where scientists specialize in using medicine and medical studies to work with animals
Career List
Click on the name of a career to view its summary. You can then read more about the career by clicking on the CAREER PAGE link.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals, Mammals
An Animal Acupuncturist is a qualified Veterinarian that uses additional knowledge and skills to insert specially designed needles into points on an animal’s body to produce a healing response.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals, Mammals
An Animal Chiropractor performs adjustments to the joints and vertebrae of animals to alleviate pain, restore balance, and improve overall performance.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals, Wildlife
Animal Geneticists analyze the genetic makeup of animals in order to discover which genes cause them to behave in certain ways.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Mammals, Birds
An animal orthotist designs, develops, fits, and manufactures orthoses (braces or splints) that support or correct musculoskeletal deformities and/or abnormalities of an animal’s limbs.
Animals that need orthoses may have severe injuries, fractures, arthritis, spinal cord injury or problematic growth of a limb.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals, Mammals
An animal prosthetist designs, develops, fits, and manufactures appendages or prosthetic limbs for animals that lost specific limbs, such as legs, in order for them to regain some mobility.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Wildlife
An Anthrozoologist studies the different interactions between humans and animals. They look at the importance of animals in our lives and how they can benefit us.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals, Mammals
An embryologist works with and studies embryos of various kinds of animals. In their work, they can help find ways to fertilize female embryos, or even freeze some to ensure the future survival of species.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Farm Animals, Wildlife
Environmental toxicologists study the effects that chemicals may have on the Environment, including the animals within such an environment.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals, Wildlife
Food preservation scientists study the deterioration of food, and find ways to preserve the food so that it does not go bad. They work with animal products consumed by humans, such as meat, eggs and milk, as well as certain food for animals, such as tinned food for cats and dogs.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Insects
Forensic entomologists are scientists who help solve forensic investigations by studying the Life cycle of insects and arthropods found on dead bodies to determine how long a person has been dead.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals, Wildlife
An infectious animal disease specialist is a veterinary doctor who is trained in internal medicine and specializes in diagnosing, treating, and managing infectious diseases within animals.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Insects
A medical entomologist studies how insects can transmit specific diseases which can negatively impact human health.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Insects
A medical parasitologist studies how parasites can transmit specific diseases which can negatively impact human health.
The career is very similar to a Medical Entomologist, but a parasitologist works with microscopic creatures, worms and arthropods.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Insects
A military entomologist uses the knowledge gained on insects to research new infectious diseases and keep military personnel healthy from these diseases. They are uniformed officers who are part of a team of preventative medicine professionals.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals, Wildlife
A Pharmacologist develops new medicine by analysing chemicals and other substances to find out how they affect living beings, such as animals.
Minimum Entry Level: Ddoctorate Degree
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals and Wildlife
A reproductive specialist is a type of doctor or veterinarian that studies the reproduction of animals and assists animal owners to ensure healthy reproduction.
They might work with specific species, such a cattle or horse, or with many kinds of animals.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Insects
A veterinary entomologist works on ways to protect livestock, wildlife, and zoo animals from insect pests and the dangerous diseases they might carry.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Insects, Arachnids, Nematodes
A veterinary parasitologist studies how parasites can transmit specific diseases which can negatively impact domesticated animal health. So they study how parasites affect the animals.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree (PhD)
Animal Species: Cats, Dogs, Critters, Farm Animals, Wildlife
A Veterinarian is a doctor who protects the health and well-being of both animals and people by treating animals for various ailments and diseases.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Wildlife
A wildlife forensic scientist uses scientific techniques and equipment to investigate wildlife related crimes, where animals were hurt or killed, such as in illegal smuggling, poaching and animal cruelty.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctorate Degree
Animal Species: Wildlife
A Veterinarian is a doctor who protects the health and well-being of both animals and people by treating animals for various ailments and diseases. A wildlife veterinarian studies even further to be able to work exclusively with wild animals.