Marine Mammals Article

Community-based marine conservation careers

A list of the careers categorized as those where people educate the community regarding marine life, or where people farm with marine life to feed the community.

The list includes careers where people:

  • Use different means of education to teach the community about marine life
  • Farm with various marine species to feed the community
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Career List

Click on the name of a career to view its summary. You can then read more about the career by clicking on the CAREER PAGE link.

Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma

Animal Species: Fish, Mollusks, Crustaceans

An Aquaculturist is in charge of the farming of Aquatic organisms, including culturing and growing freshwater and marine fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate

Animal Species: Fish, Crustacean, Mollusk

An aquarium fish breeder creates a business where freshwater and/or saltwater fish are bred for the aquarium market. This market consists of both private aquariums or fish tanks, and large aquariums.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma

Animal Species: Wildlife

A conservation officer deals with conservation-focused education presentations, mainly through outreach to the community at a variety of locations.

Conservation education is about telling people about the conservation efforts in order to influence attitudes, emotions, knowledge, and behaviors about the Environment, wildlife and how the organization is working within this field.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma

Animal Species: Fish, Mollusks, Crustaceans

A Crustacean Farmer or Aquaculturist is in charge of the farming of aquatic organisms, including culturing and growing freshwater and marine fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree

Animal Species: All Species

An education coordinator creates educational curriculum, including material such as scripts, presentations, posters, brochures, banners, workbooks, and other handouts to be used by the different kinds of education officers.

Also known as:

  • Instructional Coordinator

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree

Animal Species: All Species

There are two different kinds of careers where people work with exhibits.

The first is an In-house Education Officer who works at specific animal exhibits in places such as zoos, aquariums and museums. If this id the career you were looking for, then follow this link.

The second, which is what this specific career is all about, is a person who educates the public at information exhibits or kiosks erected at special events, such as expos

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma

Animal Species: Fish, Mollusks, Crustaceans

A Fish Farmer or Aquaculturist is in charge of the farming of aquatic organisms, including culturing and growing freshwater and marine fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma

Animal Species: All Species

Humane educators are responsible for promoting humane interactions between pets and people with kindness, care and compassion. They teach the community about a variety of humane topics including animal welfare, animal rights, and animal behavior

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree

Animal Species: All Species

In general, education officers make use of designed or developed curriculum and visual aids to educate people on specific subject matters. 

The In-house Education Officer works INSIDE of the building or premises of their place of employment to educate guests.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree

Animal Species: All Species

A lecturer is someone who achieved a level of knowledge and experience in a particular field, and uses that knowledge to educate tertiary level students at college or university.

Also known as:

  • Academic Instructor

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma

Animal Species: Fish, Mollusks, Crustaceans

A Mollusk Farmer or Aquaculturist is in charge of the farming of aquatic organisms, including culturing and growing freshwater and marine fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree

Animal Species: Pets, Critters, Farm Animals, Wildlife

In general, education officers make use of designed or developed curriculum and visual aids to educate people on specific subject matters. 

The Outreach Education Officer works OUTSIDE of their place of employment to educate the community.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: Doctoral Degree

Animal Species: All Species

A professor is someone who achieved a high level of knowledge and experience in a particular field, and uses that knowledge to educate tertiary level students at college or university.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma

Animal Species: All Species

A Program Officer works for a non-profit organization to oversee the development of special activities or educational programs as well as to assist in drafting proposals for grants to fund these programs.

Also known as:

  • Project Managers

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree

Animal Species: Wildlife

A youth program coordinator is responsible for the management of educational programs to keep the youth involved and informed about specific institutions and their causes.

Career Page

Please let us know if there are any additional Careers that we can add to this specific sub-category

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