Technical and Advisory Functions
A list of all the careers categorised as those where a person uses technical and advisory skills to work with livestock
The list includes careers where people:
- Work with equipment
- Design and build enclosures
- Consult and mentor farmers
- Deals with the appraisal, sale, judging, insurance and transport of livestock
Career List
Click on the name of a career to view its summary. You can then read more about the career by clicking on the CAREER PAGE link.
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Critters, Farm Animals, Mammals, Birds, Insects
An Agroecologist applies ecological concepts and principals in farming to allow for a more natural way of farming.
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Farm Animals
Biofuel producers use natural products (currently mostly plant oils) to generate fuel for combustion engines (used in vehicles, power generators etc). Continued research has shown that animal byproducts, in manure and animal fats, are just as beneficial in creating biofuels.
Minimum Entry Level:Â
Animal Species: Farm Animals
Animal Insurance Brokers are special sales representatives of insurance companies that offer health insurance coverage policies for a variety of farm animals.
The health insurance is used similar to what we have as humans, in case of medical expenses and emergency
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A Bioresource Engineer develops efficient methods and products to help maintain soil and water while producing, plants and farm animals.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
Enclosure designers may design and build different enclosures (such as terrariums, play pens etc) for animals that are mainly kept as pets or business.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Mammals. birds, fish, reptile, amphibians, insects, crustaceans
A Human-Wildlife Conflict Coordinator is a professional who specializes in managing and mitigating conflicts between human populations and wildlife
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A livestock agent is a sales professional who acts as the facilitator between the farmer who wants to sell livestock, and the potential buyers.
Also known as:
- Bloodstock Agent
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A livestock appraiser helps farmers by determining the market value of their livestock.
The farmers can then use the estimated value or appraisal to:
- insure the livestock
- sell the livestock at a market price
- secure a loan from a bank
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A livestock auction assistant ensures that the livestock at an auction are taken care of and move around safely during the auction.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A livestock auctioneer facilitates the sale of livestock between the seller and the highest bidders at a public auction.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A Livestock Brand Inspector checks livestock in transit or at auctions to ensure that they do belong to the right owners.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A livestock judge evaluates and judges farm animals during agricultural events or competitions to assess their quality and competitive Breed characteristics.