Working with Bees

Education and Research

A list of all the careers categorized as those where a person educates and researches on farm animals

The list includes careers where people:

  • educate others on farm animals
  • research new farming methods
  • educate farmers on new methods
  • keep statistics on livestock farming
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Career List

Click on the name of a career to view its summary. You can then read more about the career by clicking on the CAREER PAGE link.

Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree

Animal Species: All species

An Exhibit Educator is a person who educates the public at information exhibits or kiosks erected at special events, such as expos.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree

Animal Species: Farm Animals

An Extension Educator researches and educates a specific community on a topic relating to economics, community development, agriculture, family, animal production, diet and nutrition.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree

Animal Species: Farm Animals

A Farm Educator, or Extension Educator researches and educates a specific community on a topic relating to economics, community development, agriculture, family, animal production, diet and nutrition.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate

Animal Species: All species

The Grazing Officer liaises with land and livestock owners to assist and educate them on proper, effective and legal grazing.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree

Animal Species: All species

A lecturer is someone who achieved a level of knowledge and experience in a particular field, and uses that knowledge to educate tertiary level students at college or university.

Career Page

Minimum Entry Level: Doctoral Degree

Animal Species: All species

A professor is someone who achieved a high level of knowledge and experience in a particular field, and uses that knowledge to educate tertiary level students at college or university.

Career Page

Please let us know if there are any additional Careers that we can add to this specific sub-category

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