Education and Research
A list of all the careers categorized as those where a person educates and researches on farm animals
The list includes careers where people:
- educate others on farm animals
- research new farming methods
- educate farmers on new methods
- keep statistics on livestock farming
Career List
Click on the name of a career to view its summary. You can then read more about the career by clicking on the CAREER PAGE link.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: All species
An Exhibit Educator is a person who educates the public at information exhibits or kiosks erected at special events, such as expos.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Farm Animals
An Extension Educator researches and educates a specific community on a topic relating to economics, community development, agriculture, family, animal production, diet and nutrition.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A Farm Educator, or Extension Educator researches and educates a specific community on a topic relating to economics, community development, agriculture, family, animal production, diet and nutrition.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: All species
The Grazing Officer liaises with land and livestock owners to assist and educate them on proper, effective and legal grazing.
Minimum Entry Level: Bachelor’s Degree
Animal Species: All species
A lecturer is someone who achieved a level of knowledge and experience in a particular field, and uses that knowledge to educate tertiary level students at college or university.
Minimum Entry Level: Doctoral Degree
Animal Species: All species
A professor is someone who achieved a high level of knowledge and experience in a particular field, and uses that knowledge to educate tertiary level students at college or university.