We help you find the right Career where you work with animal care and farming
All of the Careers in Animal Care and Farming
This list of profiles contains all of the careers where you can take care of farm animals.
The careers include those where you can:
- Care for specific species as a part of your daily tasks
- Farm with specific species
List of Careers to choose from
Click on the name of the career for a short description. When you want to learn more, click on the CAREER PAGE link.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Fish, Crustaceans, Mollusks
An aquaculturist is in charge of the farming of Aquatic organisms, including culturing and growing freshwater and marine fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Reptiles
An Alligator Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of alligators for commercial profit.
Alligator products:
- Meat
- Skin
- Entertainment and Education
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Mammals
An Alpaca Farmer breeds and manages a herd of alpacas for its commercial profit.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Insects
A Bee Farmer manages bee swarms to harvest the products they produce, or to use the swarms to pollinate agricultural crops and flowers.
Bee products include:
- Honey
- Bees Wax
- Royal Jelly
- Pollination (bees help farmers pollinate new crops)
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Mammals
A Bison Rancher breeds and manages wild bison for commercial profit.
Bison products include:
- Meat
- Hides
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Mammals
A buffalo farmer manages the breeding of water buffalos, as well as the products they produce and labour they provide.
Buffalo products include:
- Milk and cheese
- Meat
- Hides
- Labour
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Mammals
A Camel Farmer breeds and manages camels for commercial profit.
Camel products include:
- milk
- meat
- labour
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A Cattle Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of cattle for commercial profit. The kind of cattle farmer will depend on the Breed and purpose of the herd. In certain place around the world the cattle are farmed and sold to grain farmers as labour.
Cattle products:
- Meat
- Milk and milk byproducts
- Leather
- Labour
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A chicken farmer is a person who breeds domestic chickens for commercial profit.
Chicken products:
- Eggs
- Meat
- Feathers
- Chicken poop/droppings for fertilizer
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species:Â Reptiles
A Crocodile Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of crocodiles for commercial profit.
Crocodile products:
- Meat
- Skin
- Entertainment and Education
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A Donkey and Mule Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of domesticated Donkey and Mule for commercial profit.
Donkey and Mule products:
- Labour
- Milk
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A Duck Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of domesticated ducks for commercial profit.
Duck products:
- Meat
- Eggs
- Feathers
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A farm worker attends to the daily tasks required to successfully run a farm. Animal Farm Workers take responsibility of looking after the livestock (animals) on a farm, from cattle to bees and fish.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Horses
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Fish
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Birds
A Fowl Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of specific species and breeds of fowl for commercial profit.
Fowl Products:
- Meat
- Eggs
- Feathers
- Fertilizer
Kinds of fowl used for farming:
- Grouse
- Guineafowl
- Partridge
- Peacock
- Pheasant
- Quail
- Turkey
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A Goat Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of specific breeds of Goat for commercial profit.
Goat Products:
- Meat
- Milk and byproducts, such as cheese
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A Goose Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of specific breeds of geese for commercial profit.
Goose Products:
- Meat
- Eggs
- Feathers
- Fertilizer
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Horses
A horse agister is an individual who provides care and management services for horses on behalf of their owners in exchange for a fee.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Horses
Horse Groomers provide grooming and styling services for horses.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Horses
A Horse Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of specific breeds of horses for commercial profit.
Horse Products:
- Labour
- Companionship
- Sport
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Horses
Train working horses to become accustomed to humans and carry out tasks when commanded to do so. Training is also given to help rectify behavioral issues
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Insects
An Insect Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of specific insect species for commercial profit.
Insect Products:
- Human food supplement
- Livestock feed
- Fertilizer
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Birds
An Ostrich Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of specific species and breeds of fowl for commercial profit.
Ostrich Products:
- Meat
- Eggs
- Feathers
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A Pig Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of domesticated pigs for commercial profit.
Pig Products:
- Meat
- Skin
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Birds
A Pigeon Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of specific pigeon species for commercial profit.
Pigeon Products:
- Meat – in certain cultures pigeons are used as food, called squab
- Entertainment – pigeons are kept as a hobby
- Sport – pigeons are used in competitive racing where large cash prizes can be won
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Horses
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Horses
People responsible for the care and training of horses to enable them to compete in races.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Horses
Individuals who train horses to perform specific and amazing tasks during rodeos.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Farm Animals
A Sheep Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of domesticated sheep for commercial profit.
Sheep Products:
- Meat
- Wool
Minimum Entry Level: College Diploma
Animal Species: Horses
Train horses to become accustomed to their riders and carry out special tasks when commanded to do so during a show. Training is also given to help rectify behavioral issues, as well as train the riders.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Insects
A Silkworm Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of specific silkworm species for commercial profit.
Silkworm Products:
- Silk
- Animal feed
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Mollusks
A Snail Farmer breeds and manages large amounts of specific snail species for commercial profit.
Snail Products:
- Meat
- Eggs
- Cosmetics
- Fertilizer
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Horses
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species: Horses
A stud hand takes care of horses that have been specially chosen for breeding.
Minimum Entry Level: High School Certificate
Animal Species:Â Dogs
Working dog trainers use their skills and knowledge to train dogs to perform specific practical tasks which can be seen as work (labor).
This career looks at people who train the following kinds of working dogs:
- Herding dogs
- Hunting dogs (retrievers)
- Sledding dogs